

Listed below are the services available here. The personal information collected as part of the inquiry will be handled with our privacy policy.

Equipment Lending
Educational equipment lending service is available. Please feel free to ask us.
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Equipment Lending
Short Lecture
We can provide a course of lectures about the nature and the Tsushima Leopard Cat.
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Short Lecture
If you come across a Leopard Cat…
Please inform us the details of when/where you saw it. That sort of information is highly valuable for the conservation activities.
Inquiry for
Leopard Cat
Reservation (For large groups)
Call +81- 920-84-5577

for more information and/or to make reservations.


About TWCC

What is the opening hours?
Tuesday to Sunday, 10 am to 4 pm.
Closed: Monday* and New Years’ holidays (12/29-1/3)
*Tuesday if Monday is national holiday.
Can we see a Tsushima Leopard Cat?
Basically yes, although it depends on KANATA’s health condition or equipment maintenance period.

About Tsushima Leopard Cat

How big is the Tsushima Leopard Cat??
The adult is 50~60cm, excluding a 20~27cm tail, weighs 3 to 4kg. A newborn kitten is about 20cm of the full length, 90g of weight.
How long is their life span?
Life span in the wild is still rather unknown but we found a 9-years-old individual in the wild so far.
However, a record for the longest life in captivity is 19-years-old!
Do they “mew” like domestic cats?
Tsushima Leopard Cat does not make any noise like domestic cats.
Vocal communication is extremely rare.
They are basically using smells to recognize each other.
Hissing are saved for displays of aggression, but you can try to hear it at the TWCC.
Are they active only at night?
Tsushima Leopard Cat can be active by day and night.
However, they tend to be nocturnal as their pray, rodents, are also active at night.
What does Leopard Cat in TWCC eat??
Tsushima Leopard Cat’s basic diet consists of rodents, birds, frogs, insects, etc.
In TWCC, we mainly feed horsemeat, mice, and quails. Meals are specially prepared to suit the condition of each cat to keep healthy Body Condition Score (BCS).
What is the difference between “Tsushima Leopard Cat” and “Leopard cat”?
Isolation of them had occurred with the crustal movements 100,000 years ago.
Tsushima Leopard Cat is a subspecies of the Leopard Cat that inhabits in mainland China.
And it is considered as the same, but regional species of “Amur Leopard Cat”
In which zoo can we see Tsushima Leopard Cat ?
Following 9 zoos in Japan:
  • Nasu Animal Kingdom
  • Inogashira Park Zoo
  • Yokohama Zoological Gardens "ZOORASIA"
  • Toyoma Family Park
  • Higashiyama Zoo & Botanical Gardens
  • Kyoto City Zoo
  • Fukuoka Zoo & Botanical Garden
  • Saikai National Park Kujukushima Zoo & Botanical Garden
  • Oknawa Zoo & Museum
How many Tsushima Leopard Cats are lost by roadkills?
Since 1992, we have found 149 leopard cats hit by a car, and 136 of them werealready dead by the time we found them. It means about 3~4 leopard cats are found in death on the road every year.
The worst year, in 2012, 15 of them died due to the roadkills.
Is there any punishment for roadkill?
Even if you end up hitting or running over the Tsushima Leopard Cat by car, you’ll never be punished unless you have done it on purpose. Please call to TWCC (0929-84-5577) immediately in case of the accident.
What can we do for Tsushima Leopard Cat?
There are many things you can do for it. For example, driving your car carefully, eating local food, consuming timbers from forest-thinning in Tsushima… and more!
And we hope that you bring up leopard cat and the nature in Tsushima as the conversation topic with your friends and family.

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