When you drive a car in Tsushima…Please Stay alert!
Look ahead for the leopard cats.
“Cat Crossing” signboards indicate that the leopard cats may be nearby.
Take extra cautions at dawn and dusk !
Leopard cats are most active around these times of the day.
If you find an injured/curled leopard cat on the road,
please call TWCC(0920-84-5577).Our staff will arrive ASAP to bring it to our center. Your call might save the cat’s life.
Steps to Reduce the Roadkills
Death/Injury toll of the Tsushima Leopard Cats in FY2024 : 4 cases/
Since we started the statistics in 1993, 149 Tsushima Leopard cats have been hit by a car including 136 dead(a few pregnant females as well). Now, we have to drive carefully in the whole island because their population is spreading throughout the island.